
Monthly Archives: September 2013



A poem that incorporates two different rhyme schemes, producing two subtly different results. It was difficult but fun to write._MG_4595


Lawn (a)

It was fine lawn grass, still bright with dew
And middle-morning light, cool on bare feet;
The air was sweet with pines, the sky was blue
With fleet white sailing-clouds in sunlit heat.
A hundred doves and pigeons cooed their grey
Feather-down plenitude high in the trees
Against the green grass slope of summer’s day.
All these were tokens of the season’s ease.

Now there’s kikuyu and the lawn is gone,
The pines have been cut down, the out-buildings
And working things about the yard torn down;
The sting of absence that remembrance brings,
Constricting, swollen tight like summer pain
Through forty years that will not come again.

Lawn (b)

It was fine lawn grass, still bright
With dew and middle-morning light,
Cool on bare feet; the air was sweet
With pines, the sky was blue with fleet
White sailing-clouds in sunlit heat.

A hundred doves and pigeons cooed
Their grey feather-down plenitude
High in the trees against the green
Grass slope of summer’s day. All these
Were tokens of the season’s ease.

Now there’s kikuyu and the lawn
Is gone, the pines have been cut down,
The out-buildings and working things
About the yard torn down; the sting
Of absence that remembrance brings,

Constricting, swollen tight like summer pain
Through forty years that will not come again.

DSCN4009Poet’s Work

Longing, loss and present pain
are poetry’s best loved conceits –
The poet’s work is to complain.

If beauty flutters through the brain
in a thunder of heartbeats,
longing, loss and present pain

soon tug the fledgling down again,
victories fall into defeats –
the poet’s work is to complain

of years that pass like autumn rain,
untasted love and winding sheets,
of longing, loss and present pain,

the dark vertige, the secret stain,
compulsive act that still repeats.
The poet’s work is to remain

unsatisfied, not to attain
anything that out-competes
longing, loss and present pain.
The poet’s work is to complain.